Pre Primary School

Pre Primary School

July 18, 2017 Pri Primary Schooling Projects 0

Sun FLower is implementing “Resistance of Schooling for Elegance (Rose)” project in partnership with Global Learning, Sweden since 2015.

Project Aim:

  • Ensure access to pre primary school program for Bihari children of 4 – 5 years within Sunflower’s working area.

Project Objectives:

  1. To prepare 30 children aged between 4 to 5 years in per schools, to ensure entry in mainstream primary education with one to two years pre primary education within project working area.
  2. To provide all the necessary care and education to 30 children per school that will help their development through physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional growth and changes.

                                               School Room

Project Activities:

  1. Inventory of pre-primary education materials.
  2. Recruit female teachers for per school.
  3. 2 days basic professional and skill training for the recruited teachers.
  4. Teacher refreshers on teaching methods and curriculum in each month.
  5. Organize the 4 to 5 years aged 40 children from the communities.
  6. Formation of Mothers Committee for each school to ensure participatory management of schools.
  7. Location arrangement of pre primary schools by renting the room from the locality.
  8. Student evaluation, class examination at the end of school year.
  9. School Monitoring & evaluation.
  10. Student monitoring for primary school enrollment after graduation


                                        Students of Schools

    1. The application will be invited from female of existing women group members of Sunflower. The applicants will call for an interview in presence of parents, Sunflower’s women group presidents, CE (Chief Executive) of Sunflower. Finalization of teacher recruitment based on the interest and capacity to deal with children.
    2. Recruited teachers will be trained on the national education system and teaching materials with a hired resource person. The training session will be for two days. Lunch and snacks will be provided to each participant. CE of Sunflower also attends the training course.
    3. The CE of Sunflower will organize a half day long teacher refresher meetings for each school. Curriculum and Teaching methods will be discussed during the refresher meetings.
    4. Organize children for pre primary schools by contacting the parents with door to door communication with the assistance from Sunflower group members.
    5. Books and teaching materials will be purchased from local market with the advice from local resource person and market availability.  Books, writing materials, pictorial posters, educational toys, numerical placards and bamboo sticks will be purchased as educational materials.
    6. Mothers committee will be formed in each school by incorporating the mother of school children. The mother committees will seat for group meetings, they evaluate the learning of their children and also they will initiate savings for the future progress of their children.
    7. Rent one room with the small yard for the pre-primary schooling of children in each village.
    8. 2 Examinations will be taken in each year to understand the progress of students, also evaluation of teaching methods and curriculums will be conducted by the host organization.
    9. The CE and School Supervisor of Sunflower will visit each school twice in a month. They will observe the student attendance; teaching method of teachers and quality of teaching will be monitored by the team. Also for primary school enrollment after graduation.

Expected Results / Outcome:

    1. Approximately 40 Students are capacitated to enroll in primary schools.
    2. Parents of 40 families become anxiety free related to children education.
    3. The social environment is enhanced among the intervened villages in lights of child education.
    4. Parent’s behavioral patterns related to basic health care, hygiene practices are changed towards the better social environment which will lead to change about 200 families of these villages.
    5. Children dropouts rate in local primary schools is reduced.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • Primary Beneficiaries:
    1. Primary project beneficiaries will be 30 children per school aged 4 to below 5 years within working area of Sun Flower.
  • Secondary Beneficiaries:
    1. Expected secondary project beneficiaries would be approximately 600 families of the intervened villages with enhanced education system for the children which will lead to the better social environment in future.